3 Ways to Build Your Own Media List for Press Release Distribution

We’ve been talking about manual press release distribution recently — when you directly send your news, in a personalized way, to hand-picked target media outlets rather than relying on a press release distribution service. But how do you know which journalists to send your news release to? Before you think about distribution, you’ll want to build a … Read more

When Manual Press Release Distribution Makes Sense

In my last post, I introduced you to the concept of manual press release distribution — which, in most cases, will involve emailing your news release to hand-picked and well-targeted media outlets. Today let’s talk about when that might be a better option than using a press release distribution website. Here are a couple of … Read more

What’s Wrong With a Media Blast?

Next week, we’ll dive into the topic of manual press release distribution. That’s when you send your press release to a specified list of journalists and bloggers rather than simply putting your news up on a distribution service like PRWeb. We’ll discuss media lists and when manual news release distribution makes the most sense. First though, … Read more

Press Release Distribution Dos & Don’ts

Normally we focus on writing here. And recently I’ve shared a lot of information about writing press releases for your business. But what happens after you write your release (or hire a professional to write it for you)? Then it’s time to focus on press release distribution. While I write press releases for clients, I no … Read more

Tips for Formatting Your Press Release Body

In my last post, we looked at tips for writing press release headlines. Now we’re going to look at the “meat” of your press releases — the press release body. This is where you go beyond grabbing a journalist’s attention and give them all of the important information they would need if they decide to write … Read more

Tips for Writing Press Release Headlines

Press release headlines are one of the most important factors in whether or not your releases attract media and blog coverage. The headline is the first thing journalists see, whether they find your release online or in their email inbox. These three simple tips can help you format and write better headlines for your next press … Read more