
Do you want a professional business writer who’s more than “just a writer?” Someone who does more than simply string sentences together? Someone who understands the underlying goals of your projects?

You’ve come to the right place.

I’m Jenn Mattern, and I’m the business writer and professional blogger behind ProBusinessWriter.com.

I’m not one of those new kids on the scene who thinks writing a few essays in a college English class is enough to qualify them to be your copywriter. I have a background in what really matters — marketing and PR. That’s what drives value when it comes to your business copy and content marketing efforts.

I don’t just know writing; I know business.

As an online entrepreneur and blogger myself I understand your needs — generating leads from your copy, earning better search engine rankings through your company blog content, and even reputation management and building an authoritative presence in your niche or industry.

Don’t waste your money on some inexperienced writer who’s more likely to parrot your competitors than help you stand out from the crowd. Put my specialized insights and experience to work for you instead, and get it right the first time.

I began writing professionally in 1999 and have been blogging since 2005. And with a background of more than 20 years in public relations, online marketing, business blogging, SEO, and social media marketing, I understand the value of business writing beyond the immediate bottom line.

If you’re looking for the “yes man” type to simply draft what you throw in front of them, I’m not your gal. I pride myself on being a problem-solver. If I audit your business blog and find problems with your content strategy, I’m going to tell you. If your current web copy reads like it was written by a 10-year-old, I won’t be shy about saying so.

My aim is simple — make your business better.

Trust me to help you with that, and I’ll not only help you solve the content marketing and copywriting problems plaguing you, but I’ll help you take advantage of opportunities you didn’t even know you had.

Whatever your needs and goals are, I can help you meet or exceed them.

Browse some of the business writing samples in my portfolio today, and contact me with your project details or questions about what an experienced professional business writer can do for you.

And don’t forget to visit my business writing blog for business writing tips and advice. There I write about industry issues and even teach you how to do what I do in case you want to try the DIY route first. Really.

If you’ve tried your hand at copywriting or blogging and you decide you want a professional’s input after all, that doesn’t mean you have to hire me to write everything for you. Another option is to have me help you develop a content strategy. Then you can hire me as a short-term consultant to train your staff to implement that strategy so you don’t need freelance writing services on a regular basis.


I’d rather teach others how to do things the right way than rope my clients into being perpetually reliant on me. My business goal is about helping you reach yours, whether that means teaching you, writing for you, or serving as your consultant until you’re ready to move forward on your own.

Need a business writer or consultant? Let’s talk.